By Felicitas Drobig, osu In the early 80’s, I went on an eight-day silent retreat at Immaculate Heart Retreat House in Spokane. It turned out
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By Felicitas Drobig, osu In the early 80’s, I went on an eight-day silent retreat at Immaculate Heart Retreat House in Spokane. It turned out
By Felicitas Drobig, osu “You are invited…”—three innocuous little words which nevertheless can stir up a lot of emotions. Maybe we were really hoping
By Sr Rose Anne Engel Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. (7th Beatitude) We often hear the expression:
By Sr. Hermana Blatz As I was quietly sitting at my desk wondering what the day would bring, in walked Sister Magdalen with a request.
By Sr Rose Anne Engel An interesting article “Let’s Be Church Again” by Sr. Carol Keegan, DC, in her retirement speech after thirteen years as president and
By Sr Magdalen Stengler We are living in this beautiful St. Angela Merici Residence. But why did it receive this name? St. Anglea Merici is
By Sr Rose Anne Engel Just the other day I walked a mile or two! Well really only twenty steps and had a thought or
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